Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Applied Linguistics: Language, individual and society
Communication Studies
Language, technology and accessibility
Dutch: Language Reflection 1
Dutch: Language Reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and Variation
English: compulsory courses
Advanced English Grammar for English Language Professionals
Advanced English Proficiency 1
Advanced English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
French: compulsory courses
Grammaire française
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Dutch: Text Creation
Dutch: Language and Culture in the Netherlands and Flanders
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Research Skills
Digital and Professional Communication
Language Technology
English: compulsory courses
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Communication in English 2: Contextual Text Analysis and Production
Translation English–Dutch 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
French: compulsory courses
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Translation French–Dutch 1
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Communication orale en français
Grammaire textuelle du français
Free-choice electives
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Audiovisual Communication
English: compulsory courses
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have followed
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1 in a previous year
Translation English–Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
French: Interpreting Skills
Translation French–Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Bachelor's Paper
Bachelor's Paper
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Applied Linguistics: Language, individual and society
Communication Studies
Language, technology and accessibility
Dutch: Language Reflection 1
Dutch: Language Reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and Variation
English: compulsory courses
Advanced English Grammar for English Language Professionals
Advanced English Proficiency 1
Advanced English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
French: compulsory courses
Grammaire française
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Dutch: Text Creation
Dutch: Language and Culture in the Netherlands and Flanders
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Research Skills
Digital and Professional Communication
Language Technology
English: compulsory courses
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Communication in English 2: Contextual Text Analysis and Production
Translation English–Dutch 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
French: compulsory courses
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Translation French–Dutch 1
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Communication orale en français
Grammaire textuelle du français
Free-choice electives
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Audiovisual Communication
English: compulsory courses
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have followed
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1 in a previous year
Translation English–Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
French: Interpreting Skills
Translation French–Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Philosophy of Culture
History of Belgium
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
General Economics
Introduction to Law
Media, Power and Society
Bachelor's Paper
Bachelor's Paper
Model Path part 1
Part 1 of the model path is the standard initial package.
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Applied Linguistics
Communication Studies
Translation Studies
Dutch: Language Reflection 1
Dutch: Language Reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and Variation
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English: Language Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to General Economics
Contemporary History
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kevin Absillis
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Literature and Diversity
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Dutch: Text Creation
Dutch: Language and Culture in the Netherlands and Flanders
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Research Skills
Digital and Professional Communication
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
Free-choice electives
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to General Economics
Contemporary History
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kevin Absillis
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Audiovisual Communication
English: compulsory courses
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have followed
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1 in a previous year
English: Translation into Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to General Economics
Contemporary History
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film History 1: Early cinema
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Behaviour and Organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Dan Xiang
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kevin Absillis
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Children's Literature
Bachelor's Paper
Bachelor's Paper
Model Path part 1
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Applied Linguistics
Communication Studies
Translation Studies
Dutch: Language Reflection 1
Dutch: Language Reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and Variation
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English: Language Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
- Nina Reviers
- Anna Gagiano
- Paula Gruppelaar
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
Free-choice electives
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Dutch: Text Creation
Dutch: Language and Culture in the Netherlands and Flanders
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Research Skills
Digital and Professional Communication
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
- Nina Reviers
- Paula Gruppelaar
- Line Magnus
English: Culture and History
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
French: Professional Communication
Free-choice electives
9 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
- Christiane Stallaert
- Ana Sofia Corga Vieira
- Ana Maria Teixeira Da Silva
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
- Christiane Stallaert
- Ana Sofia Corga Vieira
- Ana Maria Teixeira Da Silva
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
Audiovisual Communication
English: compulsory courses
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1
English: Translation into Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to Law
European Integration
Political Science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Introduction to managing and organising
- Stefanie Weil
- Tim Peeters
- Vicky Van Woensel
Communication Studies
Media, Power and Society
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
- Christiane Stallaert
- Ana Sofia Corga Vieira
- Ana Maria Teixeira Da Silva
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
- Christiane Stallaert
- Ana Sofia Corga Vieira
- Ana Maria Teixeira Da Silva
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Russian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Russian: Language and Culture 1
Russian: Language and Culture 2
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Children's Literature
Bachelor's Paper
Bachelor's Paper
Model Path part 1
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Applied Linguistics
Translation Studies
Dutch: Language Reflection 1
Dutch: Language Reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and Variation
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English: Language Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
Free-choice electives
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
- Stefaan Walgrave
- Michiel De Vydt
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Dutch: Text Creation
Dutch: Language and Culture in the Netherlands and Flanders
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Research Skills
English: compulsory courses
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
French: compulsory courses
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
Free-choice electives
9 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
- Stefaan Walgrave
- Michiel De Vydt
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
English: compulsory courses
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
- Frank Albers
- Lauren Ottaviani
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1
English: Translation into Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to general economics
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
- Stefaan Walgrave
- Michiel De Vydt
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Behaviour and organisation
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Literature and Diversity
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese: Language and Culture 1
Portuguese: Language and Culture 2
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Children's Literature
Bachelor's Paper
Bachelor's Paper
Model Path part 1
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Babel: An introduction to linguistics, translation studies and literary theory
Dutch: Language reflection 1
Dutch: Language reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and variation
English: compulsory courses
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
French: compulsory courses
French Grammar 1
French Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and communication
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to financial markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to psychology
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
History of literature
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Dutch Text Production
Dutch and Flanders science
Translation/Interpreting Studies
English: compulsory courses
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Text and Communication 2
English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English Culture and History
French: compulsory courses
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French: Translation French > Dutch 1
French Text Production 1
Free-choice electives
9 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to financial markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to psychology
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
History of literature
Portuguese Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese Language and Culture 1
Portuguese Language and Culture 2
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
English: compulsory courses
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
English Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English: Translation English > Dutch 2
French: compulsory courses
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Text Production 3
French Interpreting Skills
French: Translation French > Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to financial markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to psychology
Management and organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
- Freija Kleijnen
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
Children's Literature
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
History of literature
Portuguese Grammar and Language Proficiency 1
Portuguese Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
Portuguese Language and Culture 1
Portuguese Language and Culture 2
Bachelor's thesis
Bachelor Paper
Model Path part 1
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Babel: An introduction to linguistics, translation studies and literary theory
Dutch: Language reflection 1
Dutch: Language reflection 2
Dutch: Communication and variation
English: compulsory courses
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
French: compulsory courses
French Grammar 1
French Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and communication
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Financial Markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Frederik Dhondt
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to Psychology
Management and Organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Children's Literature
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Community service learning
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Model Path part 2
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Research Skills
Dutch Text Production
Dutch Language and Culture
Translation/Interpreting Studies
English: compulsory courses
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Text and Communication 2
- Ingrid van de Wijer
- Anna Gagiano
English: Translation English > Dutch 1
- Ingrid van de Wijer
- Line Magnus
English Culture and History
French: compulsory courses
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French: Translation French > Dutch 1
French Text Production 1
Free-choice electives
9 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Financial Markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Frederik Dhondt
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to Psychology
Management and Organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Children's Literature
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Community service learning
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Model Path part 3
General fundamental courses
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
General discipline-related courses
Compulsory courses
Translation Technology
Intercultural Communication
English: compulsory courses
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
English Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English: Translation English > Dutch 2
- Ingrid van de Wijer
French: compulsory courses
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Text Production 3
French Interpreting Skills
French: Translation French > Dutch 2
Free-choice electives
3 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
General Economics
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to general economics
Introduction to Financial Markets 1
Contemporary history
History of Belgium
- Frederik Dhondt
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Introduction to law
European Integration
Political science
Sources and Foundations of Law
Law and Corporation
Film and genre
History of the film 1: early cinema
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Introduction to Psychology
Management and Organisation
- Margareta Asselbergh
Communication studies
Media: Structure and operation
- Koen Panis
Philosophy of Culture
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Children's Literature
Digital Humanities
- Walter Daelemans
- Wout Dillen
- Mike Kestemont
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Vincent Neyt
- Joshua Schäuble
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Community service learning
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Bachelor's thesis