Study programme
Dutch-taught Master of Biology: Evolution and Behaviour Biology
Option in research
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical Training Organism Biology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Individual Project
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
- Els Prinsen
Master project
Students must choose their masterproject for 30 credits in the second year
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complement your study programme with optional courses so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme. It is not allowed to take any optional courses In the first semester of the first master year.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Debating Development
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Infectious Disease Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Aquatic Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (Core Module)
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Option in Management & Entrepreneurship
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme.
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical Training Organism Biology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option in Management & Entrepreneurship
You follow these courses in the first year of our programme (18 credits)
Strategic Business Communication
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
You follow these courses in the second year of your programme (12 credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
You register your master project for 30 credits in the second year.
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
You choose 16 credits in electives from the list below.
It is not allowed to take any optional courses In the first semester of the first master year.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Debating Development
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Infectious Disease Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Aquatic Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (Core Module)
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Option in research
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical Training Organism Biology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Individual Project
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
- Els Prinsen
Master project
Students must choose their masterproject for 30 credits in the second year
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complement your study programme with optional courses so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme. It is not allowed to take any optional courses In the first semester of the first master year.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Debating Development
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Infectious Disease Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Aquatic Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (Core Module)
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Option in Management & Entrepreneurship
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme.
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical Training Organism Biology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option in Management & Entrepreneurship
You follow these courses in the first year of our programme (18 credits)
Strategic Business Communication
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
You follow these courses in the second year of your programme (12 credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
You register your master project for 30 credits in the second year.
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
You choose 16 credits in electives from the list below.
It is not allowed to take any optional courses In the first semester of the first master year.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Debating Development
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Infectious Disease Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Aquatic Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (Core Module)
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Model path over 2 years
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral Ecology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical Training Organism Biology
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option Research
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
- Els Prinsen
Option Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the first year. (18 ECTS-credits)
Strategic Business Communication
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
Optie Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the second year. (12 ECTS-credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
Students who start the Master Project in part 1 of the master choose Master Project 1 for 10 credits and Master Project 2 for 20 ECTS-credits, the other students choose the Master Project for 30 ECTS-credits in the second master year.
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complementary so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Aquatic Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Debating Development
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Infectious Disease Ecology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (Core Module)
Human Behaviour
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Scientific Writing in English
Species Conservation and Management
Vertebrate paleontology
Model path over 2 years
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral ecology
Ecology of populations and communities
Evolutionary responses to global change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical training Organism Biology
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option Research
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
- Els Prinsen
Option Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the first year. (18 ECTS-credits)
Strategic Business Communication
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
Optie Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the second year. (12 ECTS-credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
Students who start the Master Project in part 1 of the master choose Master Project 1 for 10 credits and Master Project 2 for 20 ECTS-credits, the other students choose the Master Project for 30 ECTS-credits in the second master year.
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complementary so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Conservation genetics
Debating development
Ecological modelling
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Infectious disease ecology
Island biology
Laboratory Animal Science (core module)
Human behaviour
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
Restoration ecology
Scientific writing in English
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Vertebrate paleontology
Model path over 2 years
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral ecology
Ecology of populations and communities
Evolutionary responses to global change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical training Organism Biology
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option Research
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
- Els Prinsen
Option Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the first year. (18 ECTS-credits)
Strategic Business Communication
- Rebecca Van Herck
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
Optie Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the second year. (12 ECTS-credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
Students who start the Master Project in part 1 of the master choose Master Project 1 for 10 credits and Master Project 2 for 20 ECTS-credits, the other students choose the Master Project for 30 ECTS-credits in the second master year.
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complementary so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation genetics
Debating development
Ecological modelling
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Behaviour: seminar and skills
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Infectious disease ecology
Island biology
Human behaviour
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
Restoration ecology
Scientific writing in English
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Laboratory Animal Science (core module)
Model path over 2 years
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral ecology
Ecology of populations and communities
Evolutionary responses to global change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical training Organism Biology
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option Research
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
Option Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the first year. (18 ECTS-credits)
Strategic Business Communication
Management and organisation
Financial management and legal aspects
Optie Management & Entrepreneurship
Take the courses from the list below in the second year. (12 ECTS-credits)
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Process management and quality care
Master project
Students who start the Master Project in part 1 of the master choose Master Project 1 for 10 credits and Master Project 2 for 20 ECTS-credits, the other students choose the Master Project for 30 ECTS-credits in the second master year.
Masterthesis Biology: evolution and behaviour part 1
- - NNB
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
Master thesis Biology part 2 including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complementary so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation genetics
Debating development
Ecological modelling
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Behaviour: seminar and skills
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Infectious disease ecology
Island biology
Human behaviour
Meteorology, climatology and global change
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
- Roeland Samson
- Frank Veroustraete
Restoration ecology
Scientific writing in English
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Model path over 2 years
In the first semester of the first year, it is not allowed to include optional courses in your study programme
Compulsory courses in biology year 1
You take these courses in the first year of your master programme.
Behavioral ecology
Ecology of populations and communities
Evolutionary responses to global change
Functional Morfology Vertebrates
Phylogenetics and Systematics
Practical training Organism Biology
Compulsory courses in biology year 2
You take this course in the second year of your master programme.
Behavioural Physiolgy
Option Research
You take this course in the first or in the second year of your master programme.
Individual project
- - NNB
Option Management & Entrepreneurship
Financial management and legal aspects
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Management and organisation
Process management and quality care
Strategic Business Communication
Master project
Students who start the Master Project in part 1 of the master choose Master Project 1 for 10 credits and Master Project 2 for 20 ECTS-credits, the other students choose the Master Project for 30 ECTS-credits in the second master year.
Masterthesis Biology: evolution and behaviour part 1
- - NNB
Master thesis Biology including internship
- - NNB
Master thesis Biology part 2 including internship
- - NNB
List of optional courses
Complementary so that 120 ECTS-credits are acquired at the end of the master programme.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation genetics
Debating Development
Ecological modelling
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Behaviour: seminar and skills
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Infectious disease ecology
Island biology
Human behaviour
Meteorology, climatology and global change
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
- Roeland Samson
- Frank Veroustraete