Study programme
Dutch-taught Master of History
Model Path
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of Historical Knowledge
Historical Workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Julie De Groot
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Jelle De Schrijver
- Henk de Smaele
- Torsten Feys
- Sam Geens
- Oscar Gelderblom
- Hilde Greefs
- Julia Heinemann
- Iason Jongepier
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Peter Stabel
- Ilja Van Damme
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Egon Bauwelinck
- Charris De Smet
- Elisabeth Heijmans
- Ingrid Schepers
Master's Thesis
- - NNB
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- - NNB
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
- - NNB
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
- Bastiaan De Roo
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
- - NNB
Internship Cultural Heritage
- - NNB
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University or VUB, or from another master programm of this University (if authorised by the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
- - NNB
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Theory and History of Urban Design
Landscape History
History of Science and Society
Jewish History in the Early Modern Era
Visions on Mediterranean History in the Premodern Era
- - NNB
- Peter Stabel
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Heritage: Global and European Frames
Heritage: Genealogies and Precursors
Heritage: Policy and Legal Aspects
Heritage: Critical Studies
Heritage: Climate and Sustainability
Built Heritage
Heritage: Landscapes
Museums, Archives and Libraries: Collections and Memory Institutions
Intangible Heritage
Digital Heritage
Model Path
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of Historical Knowledge
Historical Workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Julie De Groot
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Jelle De Schrijver
- Henk de Smaele
- Torsten Feys
- Sam Geens
- Oscar Gelderblom
- Hilde Greefs
- Julia Heinemann
- Iason Jongepier
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Peter Stabel
- Ilja Van Damme
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Egon Bauwelinck
- Charris De Smet
- Elisabeth Heijmans
- Ingrid Schepers
Master's Thesis
- - NNB
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- - NNB
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
- Bastiaan De Roo
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship Cultural Heritage
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University or VUB, or from another master programm of this University (if authorised by the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Theory and History of Urban Design
Landscape History
History of Science and Society
Jewish History in the Early Modern Era
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Heritage: Global and European Frames
Heritage: Genealogies and Precursors
Heritage: Policy and Legal Aspects
Heritage: Critical Studies
Heritage: Climate and Sustainability
Built Heritage
Heritage: Landscapes
Museums, Archives and Libraries: Collections and Memory Institutions
Intangible Heritage
Digital Heritage
Model Path
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of Historical Knowledge
Historical Workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Greet De Block
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Henk de Smaele
- Oscar Gelderblom
- Hilde Greefs
- Guido Marnef
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Peter Stabel
- Heleen Touquet
- Maarten Van Ginderachter
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Egon Bauwelinck
- Margo Buelens-Terryn
- Julie De Groot
- Elisabeth Heijmans
- Kristof Loockx
- Bart Tritsmans
Master's Thesis
- - NNB
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- - NNB
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
Cities in Context: The Low Countries and Beyond, 1000-2000CE
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
- Bastiaan De Roo
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship Cultural Heritage
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University or VUB, or from another master programm of this University (if authorised by the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Theory and History of Urban Design
History of Science and Society
Visions on Mediterranean History in the Premodern Era
History of Migration
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Model Path
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of historical knowledge
Historical workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Greet De Block
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Henk de Smaele
- Luc Duerloo
- Hilde Greefs
- Iason Jongepier
- Christian Laes
- Kristof Loockx
- Guido Marnef
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Heleen Touquet
- Ilja Van Damme
- Rogier van Kooten
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Sara Budts
- Margo Buelens-Terryn
- Jord Hanus
- Wout Saelens
- Bart Tritsmans
- Marjolein Van Bavel
Master's thesis
- - NNB
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- - NNB
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
City and society in the Low Countries
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
War and Occupation in the Middle East (1914-1945)
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship Cultural Heritage
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University or VUB, or from another master programm of this University (if authorised by the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Theory and History of Urban Design
History of science and society
The Crisis of the Late Middle Ages
Dutch Communication Skills
German: Area Studies
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Spanish: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Model Path
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of historical knowledge
Historical workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Greet De Block
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Jelle De Schrijver
- Henk de Smaele
- Veerle Fraeters
- Hilde Greefs
- Iason Jongepier
- Guido Marnef
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Peter Stabel
- Heleen Touquet
- Ilja Van Damme
- Maarten Van Ginderachter
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Sara Budts
- Margo Buelens-Terryn
- Elisabeth Heijmans
- Karin Hofmeester
- Bart Tritsmans
- Marjolein Van Bavel
Master's thesis
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
City and society in the Low Countries
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
- Henk de Smaele
- - NNB
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship Cultural Heritage
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University or VUB, or from another master programm of this University (if authorised by the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
Historical urban geography
Culture, religion and society in Early Modern Period
Nations and Nationalism in Modern European History
Crusades in the Middle Ages : Between Ideological Conflict and Forced Coexistence
History of migration
History of science and society
Politics of Memory in Europe
Dutch Communication Skills
German: Area Studies
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Spanish: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Model Path
The student chooses one profile
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of historical knowledge
Historical workshop
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Henk de Smaele
- Veerle Fraeters
- Hilde Greefs
- Iason Jongepier
- Guido Marnef
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Heleen Touquet
- Ilja Van Damme
- Maarten Van Ginderachter
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Margo Buelens-Terryn
- Wout Dillen
- Karin Hofmeester
- Marjolein Van Bavel
Master's thesis
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
City and society in the Low Countries, 1000-1800
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
Political History: Topics and Debates
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
In the Profile: History & Cultural heritage the student chooses between Internship public history for 6 ECTS-credits OR Community service learning for 6 ECTS-credits
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
- Henk de Smaele
- Bastiaan De Roo
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship Cultural Heritage
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University, VUB, or from another master programma of this university (only possible with the permission of the Education Board).
Internship Scientific Research Groups
Internship Cultural Heritage
History of the Body, Gender and Sexuality
Theory and History of Urban Design
Heritage and libraries
History of science and society
Politics of Memory in Europe
Dutch Communication Skills
German: Area Studies
English: Area Studies
French: Area Studies
Chinese: Area Studies
Italian: Area Studies
Spanish: Area Studies
Culture, Art and Aesthetics within the China Belt and Road Initiative
German: Society and German Film
Highlights from English and American Art: Music, Poetry, Visual Arts & Architecture
French: Culture of the Francophone World
Italian: History of the Italian Movie and Music
Latin America and Spain in the 21st Century: Human Rights and Historical Memory
Model Path
The student chooses one profile
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Theory of historical knowledge
Historical workshop
- Michael Auwers
- Marnix Beyen
- Bruno Blondé
- Margo Buelens-Terryn
- Greet De Block
- Malika Dekkiche
- Pierre Delsaerdt
- Bert De Munck
- Henk de Smaele
- Luc Duerloo
- Veerle Fraeters
- Hilde Greefs
- Karin Hofmeester
- Paul Janssenswillen
- Iason Jongepier
- Christian Laes
- Guido Marnef
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Vincent Scheltiens
- Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi
- Tim Soens
- Peter Stabel
- Ilja Van Damme
- Maarten Van Ginderachter
- Tine Van Osselaer
- Gerrit Verhoeven
- Reinoud Vermoesen
- Nina Lamal
- Kristof Loockx
- Thomas Verbruggen
Master's thesis
Profile: one to choose
Profile: Urban History
Urban History and Theory – an Introduction
City and society in the Low Countries, 1000-1800
Urban History Weeks
Profile: Political History
Political History: Topics and Debates
Political History: Lab - Casus Balkan
The Middle East and Europe since WWI: War and Occupations
Profile: History & Cultural Heritage
In the Profile: History & Cultural heritage the student chooses between Internship public history for 6 ECTS-credits OR Community service learning for 6 ECTS-credits
Cultural Heritage, Identity and Diversity
- Henk de Smaele
- Bastiaan De Roo
Cultural Heritage: Players, Challenges and Techniques
Internship public history
Community Service Learning
Free-choice Electives
Students select 12 ECTS-credits from the list below, or from the Master of History taught at the KU Leuven, Ghent University, VUB, or from another master programma of this university (only possible with the permission of the Education Board).