Courses open to exchange students
Please keep in mind that some courses will only be organised in even years and other courses will only be organised in odd years. You can check this in the detailed course information below.
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Community Service Learning
Debating Development
Global Justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
History of Science and Society
Philosophy of Science
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Omics techniques
Aquatic Ecology
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Behavioral Ecology
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Restoration
Conservation Genetics
Conservation and Society
- Tobias Ceulemans
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with Global Change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of Global Change
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Ecosystem services
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Environmental Biophysics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Infectious Disease Ecology
Marine Ecosystem Functioning
Omics in a Changing Environment
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Plant and Soil Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Terrestrial Ecosystem Functioning
Exchange courses in Bio-engineering
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Biochemical engineering technologies
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Disconnection Approach
Introduction to quantum chemistry
Molecular quantum chemistry
Plasma Technology
Exchange courses at master level
Capita Selecta Crystallization in the Farmaceutical Industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Applied Inorganic Chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Advanced Analytical Techniques
Chemical Process Engineering 1
Advanced LC-MS
Advanced Inorganic Materials
Advanced Magnetic Resonance
Ligand Field Theory
Modern Electrochemical Analysis, Incl. Sensors
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Geert Boogaerts
- Wim Dermaut
- Karin Van Laere
Supramolecular Chemistry
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Natural Product and Tandem Chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Plasmas for a Sustainable Society
- Gerard Van Rooij
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita Selecta Organic Chemistry, Incl. Practical
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Chemical Process Engineering 2
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemistry of Food Stuffs
- Natasja Smeets
- Frank Blockhuys
Chemometrics, Lab Accreditation and Quality Management
- Johan De Waele
- - NNB
Dynamic Processes at Surfaces
Heterogeneous catalysis
Homogeneous Catalysis
Medicinal Chemistry
- Steven Ballet
- Frank Blockhuys
Metallurgy and Recycling of Metals
Physical Organic Chemistry
Plasma Modelling
Safety and Transportation
Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy
Applied Polymer Chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Distributed Systems
Linear Algebra
Operating Systems
Theoretical Computer Science Seminar
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Networking Lab
Advanced Performance Modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining
Database Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information Retrieval
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G Networks
Model Driven Engineering
Modelling of Software-intensive Systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming Paradigms
Research Project 18 ECTS including internship
Software Reengineering
Software Testing
Specification and Verification
Topics in computer networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Future Internet
Internet of Things
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Environmental Health
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Advanced water treatment technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Ludo Diels
- Jan Dries
- Diederik Rousseau
- Marjolein Vanoppen
Integrated water management
Groundwater management & remediation
Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Integrated modelling and design of basin management plans
- Piet Dfe Seuntjens
- Youri Amerlinck
- Nele Desmet
- Ann Van Griensven
Nature-based solutions
Sediments: sustainable building blocks
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Water treatment technology
World of Water Webinar
Biodiversity Restoration
Sustainability transitions
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Plasma Technology
Exchange courses at master level
Experimental Lab
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical Imaging Techniques
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Steven Lowette
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Plasma Modelling
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Accelerator Physics
Advanced Electron Microscopy
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Electroweak interactions
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
Project in low-dimensional systems and electronic structure calculations
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Statistical and mathematical physics
Surface Physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Algebra III - Fields
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Number Theory
Exchange courses at master level
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
Algebraic Function Fields
Analysis in Dynamics
- - NNB
Field Arithmetic
Financial Risk Management
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Quadratic Forms
Statistical learning
Convex Analysis and Optimization
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Causal machine learning
Seminar Applied Mathematics
- Karel In't Hout
- Masoud Ahookhosh
- Jakob Raymaekers
- Wim Vanroose
- Tim Verdonck
Please keep in mind that some courses will only be organised in even years and other courses will only be organised in odd years. You can check this in the detailed course information below.
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Community Service Learning
Debating Development
Global Justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
History of Science and Society
Philosophy of Science
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Omics techniques
Aquatic Ecology
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Behavioral Ecology
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Restoration
Conservation Genetics
Conservation and Society
- Tobias Ceulemans
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with Global Change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of Global Change
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Ecosystem services
- - NNB
- Jan Staes
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Environmental Biophysics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Infectious Disease Ecology
Marine Ecosystem Functioning
Omics in a Changing Environment
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Plant and Soil Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Terrestrial Ecosystem Functioning
Exchange courses in Bio-engineering
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Biochemical engineering technologies
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Disconnection Approach
Introduction to quantum chemistry
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Roy Aerts
- Christian Johannessen
Plasma Technology
Exchange courses at master level
Capita Selecta Crystallization in the Farmaceutical Industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Applied Inorganic Chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Advanced Analytical Techniques
Chemical Process Engineering 1
Advanced LC-MS
Advanced Inorganic Materials
Advanced Magnetic Resonance
Ligand Field Theory
Modern Electrochemical Analysis, Incl. Sensors
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Geert Boogaerts
- Wim Dermaut
- Karin Van Laere
Supramolecular Chemistry
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Natural Product and Tandem Chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Plasmas for a Sustainable Society
- Gerard Van Rooij
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita Selecta Organic Chemistry, Incl. Practical
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Chemical Process Engineering 2
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemistry of Food Stuffs
- Natasja Smeets
- Frank Blockhuys
Chemometrics, Lab Accreditation and Quality Management
Dynamic Processes at Surfaces
Heterogeneous catalysis
Homogeneous Catalysis
Medicinal Chemistry
- Steven Ballet
- Frank Blockhuys
Metallurgy and Recycling of Metals
Physical Organic Chemistry
Plasma Modelling
Safety and Transportation
Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Applied Polymer Chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Distributed Systems
Linear Algebra
Operating Systems
Theoretical Computer Science Seminar
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Networking Lab
Advanced Performance Modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining
Database Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information Retrieval
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G Networks
Model Driven Engineering
Modelling of Software-intensive Systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming Paradigms
Research Project 1 including internship
Software Reengineering
Software Testing
Specification and Verification
Topics in computer networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Future Internet
Internet of Things
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Environmental Health
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Advanced water treatment technology
- Ludo Diels
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Jan Dries
- Diederik Rousseau
- Bart Slootmaekers
Global water problems and integrated water management
Groundwater management & remediation
Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Integrated modelling and design of basin management plans
- Piet Dfe Seuntjens
- Youri Amerlinck
- Nele Desmet
- Bart Slootmaekers
- Ann Van Griensven
Nature-based solutions
Sediments: sustainable building blocks
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Water treatment technology
MAEH webinar on river basin management
Biodiversity Restoration
Sustainability transitions
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Plasma Technology
Exchange courses at master level
Experimental Lab
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical Imaging Techniques
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Steven Lowette
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Plasma Modelling
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Accelerator Physics
Advanced Electron Microscopy
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Electroweak interactions
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
Project in low-dimensional systems and electronic structure calculations
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Statistical and mathematical physics
Surface Physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Algebra III - Fields
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Number Theory
Exchange courses at master level
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
Algebraic Function Fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Field Arithmetic
Financial Risk Management
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Quadratic Forms
Statistical Data Science
Convex Analysis and Optimization
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Causal machine learning
Seminar Applied Mathematics
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Debating Development
Global Justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
History of Science and Society
Philosophy of Science
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Plant-microbe Interactions
Remote Sensing
Vertebrate paleontology
Omics techniques
Aquatic Ecology
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Applied and Conservation Behaviour
Behavioral Ecology
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Restoration
Conservation Genetics
Conservation and Society
- Tobias Ceulemans
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with Global Change
- Ludo Diels
- Filip Meysman
Developmental Biology
Drivers of Global Change
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Ecosystem services
- - NNB
- Jan Staes
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- - NNB
- Stijn Temmerman
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Stijn Temmerman
- Jean-Philippe Belliard
- Tom Van der Stocken
Evolutionary Responses to Global Change
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Ecology of Populations and Communities
Environmental Biophysics
Environmental Stress and Ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Infectious Disease Ecology
Marine Ecosystem Functioning
Omics in a Changing Environment
Methods in Environmental Biology
Microbial Ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Plant and Soil Ecology
Species Conservation and Management
Terrestrial Ecosystem Functioning
Exchange courses in Bio-engineering
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Biochemical engineering technologies
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Disconnection Approach
Introduction to quantum chemistry
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Ana Cunha
- Christian Johannessen
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Analytical Techniques
Advanced Magnetic Resonance
Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Applied Polymer Chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Capita Selecta Crystallization in the Farmaceutical Industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Applied Inorganic Chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Natural Product and Tandem Chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita Selecta Internationalisation: Plasmas for a Sustainable Society
- Gerard Van Rooij
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita Selecta Organic Chemistry, Incl. Practical
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Chemical Process Engineering 1
- Frank Blockhuys
- Herman Baets
Chemical Process Engineering 2
- - NNB
- Herman Baets
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemistry of Food Stuffs
- Natasja Smeets
- Frank Blockhuys
Chemometrics, Lab Accreditation and Quality Management
Dynamic Processes at Surfaces
Heterogenous Catalysis
- Pegie Cool
- Vera Meynen
- Philip Buskens
Homogenous Catalysis
- Shoubhik Das
- Michel Guillaume
Medicinal Chemistry
- Steven Ballet
Metallurgy and Recycling of Metals
Physical Organic Chemistry
Plasma Modelling
Safety and Transportation
Advanced Inorganic Materials
Advanced LC-MS
International research internship
Ligand Field Theory
Modern Electrochemical Analysis, Incl. Sensors
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Wim Dermaut
Supramolecular Chemistry
- Wim Dehaen
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Advanced programming
Linear Algebra
Operating Systems
Distributed Systems
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Networking Lab
Advanced Performance Modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected Topics in Software Engineering
Case Studies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining
Database Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information Retrieval
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G Networks
Model Driven Engineering
Modelling of Software-intensive Systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming Paradigms
Research Project 1 including internship
Software Reengineering
Software Testing
Specification and Verification
Topics in computer networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Future Internet
Internet of Things
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Environmental Health
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- - NNB
- Stijn Temmerman
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Change Physiology
Advanced water treatment technology
- Ludo Diels
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Jan Dries
- Diederik Rousseau
- Bart Slootmaekers
Global water problems and integrated water management
Groundwater management & remediation
Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Integrated modelling and design of basin management plans
- Piet Dfe Seuntjens
- Youri Amerlinck
- Nele Desmet
- Bart Slootmaekers
- Ann Van Griensven
Nature-based solutions
River morphology & hydrodynamics
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom De Mulder
- Bart Slootmaekers
Sediments: sustainable building blocks
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Water treatment technology
MAEH webinar on river basin management
Biodiversity Restoration
Sustainability transitions
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Exchange courses at master level
Experimental Lab
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical Imaging Techniques
Capita Selecta X-ray Analysis and Analytical Imaging
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Albert De Roeck
- Steven Lowette
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems
Plasma Modelling
Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Accelerator Physics
Advanced Electron Microscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
Computational Physics
Device Physics
Electroweak interactions
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Selected topics in differential geometry
Quantum Many-body Theory of the Solid State
Statistical and mathematical physics
Surface Physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Algebra III - Fields
Fields and Galois theory
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and Geometry
Number Theory
Exchange courses at master level
Algebra Seminar
- - NNB
Algebraic Function Fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Field Arithmetic
Financial Risk Management
Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Introduction to Performance Modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Quadratic Forms
Statistical Data Science
Advanced Statistical Models in Non-life Insurance
- Sander Devriendt
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Central Simple Algebras and Involutions
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Robust Statistics
Selected topics in differential geometry
Seminar Applied Mathematics
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Debating development
Global justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
History of science and society
Philosophy of science
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Omics techniques
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Behavioral ecology
Cell Biology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation and society
- Ruurd van Diggelen
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with global change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of global change
Ecosystem services
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Evolutionary responses to global change
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
Habitat conservation
Infectious disease ecology
Marine ecosystem functioning
Plant and soil ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Terrestrial ecosystem functioning
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Conservation genetics
Ecological modelling
Ecology of populations and communities
Environmental biophysics
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Island biology
Landscape ecology
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Omics in a changing environment
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
Restoration ecology
Vertebrate paleontology
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
- Christian Johannessen
- Sabine Van Doorslaer
Disconnection approach
Introduction to quantum chemistry
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced analytical techniques
Advanced magnetic resonance
Advanced molecular spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Applied polymer chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Capita selecta crystallization in the farmaceutical industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita selecta internationalisation: Applied inorganic chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Capita selecta internationalisation: Natural product and tandem chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita selecta internationalisation: Plasmas for a sustainable society
- Gerard Van Rooij
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita selecta organic chemistry, incl. practical
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Chemical process engineering 1
- Frank Blockhuys
- Herman Baets
Chemical process engineering 2
- - NNB
- Herman Baets
Chemical reaction engineering
Chemistry of food stuffs
- Natasja Smeets
- Frank Blockhuys
Chemometrics, lab accreditation and quality management
Dynamic processes at surfaces
Heterogenous catalysis
- Pegie Cool
- Vera Meynen
- Philip Buskens
Homogenous catalysis
- Shoubhik Das
- Michel Guillaume
Medicinal chemistry
- Steven Ballet
- Veerle Smout
Metallurgy and recycling of metals
Physical organic chemistry
Plasma modelling
Safety and transportation
Advanced inorganic materials
Advanced LC-MS
International research internship
- Christian Johannessen
Ligand field theory
Modern electrochemical analysis, incl. sensors
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Wim Dermaut
Supramolecular chemistry
- Wim Dehaen
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Advanced programming
Distributed Systems
Operating Systems
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced networking lab
Advanced performance modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected topics in software engineering
Case Studies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data mining
Database systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information retrieval
Introduction to performance modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G networks
Model driven engineering
Modelling of software-intensive systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming paradigms
Research Project 1 including internship
Software reengineering
Software testing
Specification and verification
Topics in computer networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Future Internet
Internet of Things
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Environmental Health
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
Advanced water treatment technology
- Ludo Diels
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Jan Dries
- Diederik Rousseau
Global water problems and integrated water management
- Stefan Van Damme
- Patrick Meire
Groundwater management & remediation
Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Integrated modelling and design of basin management plans
- Piet Dfe Seuntjens
- Youri Amerlinck
- Nele Desmet
- Ann Van Griensven
Nature-based solutions
- Tom Ysebaert
River morphology & hydrodynamics
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom De Mulder
Sediments: sustainable building blocks
Water and shipping
- Helen Verstraelen
- Maxim Candries
- Raf Meskens
- Geert Potters
- Marieke Uten
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Water treatment technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Marc Spiller
- Tim Van Winckel
- Abbas Alloul
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Exchange courses at master level
Experimental Lab
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical imaging techniques
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Albert De Roeck
- Steven Lowette
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Plasma modelling
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Accelerator physics
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Computational physics
Device physics
Electroweak interactions
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Quantum many-body theory of the solid state
Statistical and mathematical physics
Surface physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
X-ray (micro)tomography
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Fields and Galois theory
- Lieven Le Bruyn
Number Theory
Exchange courses at master level
Algebra Seminar
- Jens Hemelaer
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Field Arithmetic
Financial risk management
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Introduction to performance modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Quadratic forms
Statistical Data Science
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Sander Devriendt
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Robust Statistics
- Tim Verdonck
- Pieter Segaert
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Seminar Homological Algebra
Seminar Applied Mathematics
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Debating development
Global justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
History of science and society
Philosophy of science
- Bert Leuridan
- Raoul Gervais
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Omics techniques
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Behavioral ecology
Cell Biology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation and society
- Ruurd van Diggelen
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with global change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of global change
Ecosystem services
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Evolutionary responses to global change
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Han Asard
- Vyshal Delahaut
Habitat conservation
Infectious disease ecology
Marine ecosystem functioning
Plant and soil ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Terrestrial ecosystem functioning
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Conservation genetics
Ecological modelling
Ecology of populations and communities
Environmental biophysics
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Island biology
Landscape ecology
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Omics in a changing environment
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
Restoration ecology
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
- Christian Johannessen
Disconnection approach
Introduction to quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced analytical techniques
Advanced magnetic resonance
Advanced molecular spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Applied polymer chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Capita selecta crystallization in the farmaceutical industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita selecta internationalisation: Applied inorganic chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Capita selecta internationalisation: Natural product and tandem chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita selecta internationalisation: Plasmas for a sustainable society
- Gerard Van Rooij
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita selecta organic chemistry, incl. practical
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Chemical process engineering 1
- Frank Blockhuys
- Herman Baets
Chemical process engineering 2
- - NNB
- Herman Baets
Chemical reaction engineering
Chemistry of food stuffs
- Natasja Smeets
- Frank Blockhuys
Chemometrics, lab accreditation and quality management
Dynamic processes at surfaces
Heterogenous catalysis
- Pegie Cool
- Vera Meynen
- Philip Buskens
Homogenous catalysis
- Shoubhik Das
- Michel Guillaume
Medicinal chemistry
- Steven Ballet
- Veerle Smout
Metallurgy and recycling of metals
Physical organic chemistry
Plasma modelling
Safety and transportation
Advanced inorganic materials
Advanced LC-MS
International research internship
- Christian Johannessen
Ligand field theory
Modern electrochemical analysis, incl. sensors
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Wim Dermaut
Supramolecular chemistry
- Wim Dehaen
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Advanced programming
Distributed Systems
Operating Systems
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced networking lab
Advanced performance modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected topics in software engineering
- Serge Demeyer
- Moharram Challenger
- John Businge
Case Studies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data mining
Database systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information retrieval
Introduction to performance modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G networks
Model driven engineering
Modelling of software-intensive systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming paradigms
Research Project 1
Research Project 2
Software reengineering
- Serge Demeyer
- John Businge
Software testing
Specification and verification
Topics in computer networks
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
- Gudrun De Boeck
- Han Asard
- Vyshal Delahaut
Advanced water treatment technology
- Ludo Diels
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Jan Dries
- Diederik Rousseau
Global water problems and integrated water management
- Stefan Van Damme
- Patrick Meire
Groundwater management & remediation
Integrated assessment of water and sediment quality
Integrated modelling and design of basin management plans
- Piet Dfe Seuntjens
- Youri Amerlinck
- Nele Desmet
- Ann Van Griensven
Nature-based solutions
- Tom Ysebaert
River morphology & hydrodynamics
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom De Mulder
Sediments: sustainable building blocks
Water and shipping
- Helen Verstraelen
- Maxim Candries
- Raf Meskens
- Geert Potters
- Marieke Uten
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Water treatment technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Marc Spiller
- Abbas Alloul
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Exchange courses at master level
Experimental Lab
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical imaging techniques
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Computational Materials Physics
- Stefaan Cottenier
- Bart Partoens
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Albert De Roeck
- Steven Lowette
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Plasma modelling
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Accelerator physics
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Computational physics
Device physics
Electroweak interactions
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Quantum many-body theory of the solid state
Statistical and mathematical physics
Surface physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
X-ray (micro)tomography
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Fields and Galois theory
- Fred Van Oystaeyen
- Boris Shoykhet
Exchange courses at master level
Algebra Seminar
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Jens Hemelaer
Algebraic function fields
Analysis in Dynamics
Field Arithmetic
Financial risk management
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Introduction to performance modelling
Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Numerical Optimisation
Quadratic forms
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- - NNB
- Boris Shoykhet
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Robin Van Oirbeek
Algebraic topology
- Jens Hemelaer
Convex Optimisation: theory and algorithms
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Homological Algebra
Introduction to Integrable PDEs: the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Non-commutative geometry
- - NNB
Robust Statistics
Selected topics in differential geometry
- Marta Farre Puiggali
- Tom Mestdag
Seminar Homological Algebra
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Exchange courses all levels
Debating development
Global justice
Exchange courses all study fields master level
Academic Literacies for Scientists
History of science and society
Philosophy of science
- Bert Leuridan
- Raoul Gervais
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Omics techniques
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Behavioral ecology
Cell Biology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation and society
- Ruurd van Diggelen
- Ladislav Miko
Coping with global change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of global change
Ecosystem services
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Evolutionary responses to global change
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
Habitat conservation
Infectious disease ecology
Marine ecosystem functioning
Plant and soil ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Terrestrial ecosystem functioning
Applied and conservation behaviour
Aquatic ecology
Conservation genetics
Ecological modelling
Ecology of populations and communities
Environmental biophysics
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Island biology
Landscape ecology
Meteorology, climatology and global change
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Omics in a changing environment
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
- Roeland Samson
- Frank Veroustraete
Restoration ecology
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
- Christian Johannessen
Introduction to quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced analytical techniques
Advanced inorganic materials
Advanced LC-MS
Advanced molecular spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Advanced magnetic resonance
Applied polymer chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Capita selecta crystallization in the farmaceutical industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita selecta internationalisation: Natural product and tandem chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita selecta internationalisation: Plasmas for a sustainable society
- Richard van de Sanden
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita selecta organic chemistry, incl. practical
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Chemical reaction engineering
Chemistry of food stuffs
- Liesbet Thijs
Chemometrics, lab accreditation and quality management
Dynamic processes at surfaces
Heterogenous catalysis
- Philip Buskens
- Pegie Cool
- Vera Meynen
Homogenous catalysis
- Shoubhik Das
- Michel Guillaume
Ligand field theory
Metallurgy and recycling of metals
Modern electrochemical analysis, incl. sensors
Physical organic chemistry
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Wim Dermaut
Safety and transportation
Supramolecular chemistry
- Wim Dehaen
Capita selecta internationalisation: Applied inorganic chemistry
- Herman Potgieter
Chemical process engineering 1
- Herman Baets
Chemical process engineering 2
- Herman Baets
Medicinal chemistry
- Steven Ballet
- Veerle Smout
Plasma modelling
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Artificial intelligence
Introduction to databases
- Toon Calders
- Ewoenam Kwaku Tokpo
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced networking lab
Advanced performance modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected topics in software engineering
- Serge Demeyer
- John Businge
- Moharram Challenger
Case Studies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Computer and network security
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data mining
Database systems
Reinforcement Learning
Information retrieval
Introduction to performance modelling
Advanced Wireless and 5G networks
Model driven engineering
Modelling of software-intensive systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Programming paradigms
Research Project 1
Research Project 2
Selected topics of computational science
Sensor networks lab
Software reengineering
- Serge Demeyer
- Henrique Santos Camargos Rocha
Software testing
Specification and verification
Topics in computer networks
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Water treatment technology
- Siegfried Vlaeminck
- Abbas Alloul
- Marc Spiller
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Coping with global change
Drivers of global change
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Ecosystem services
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
European Virtual Seminar
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Exchange courses at master level
Accelerator physics
Advanced electron microscopy
- Armand Béché
- Timothy Pennycook
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical imaging techniques
Computational physics
Device physics
Electroweak interactions
Experimental Lab
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Albert De Roeck
- Steven Lowette
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sofie Cambré
- Joke Hadermann
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
- Timothy Pennycook
- Wim Wenseleers
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Solid state physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Surface physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
X-ray (micro)tomography
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Fields and Galois theory
- Boris Shoykhet
Linear Algebra and Geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Advanced Statistical models in non-life insurance
- Robin Van Oirbeek
Algebra Seminar
Algebraic function fields
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Central Simple Algebras and involutions
Analysis in Dynamics
Field Arithmetic
Geometry and Dynamics of Hamiltonian Lie group actions
- Marine Fontaine
Homological Algebra
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Non-commutative geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Quadratic forms
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Shira Gilat
Robust Statistics
Selected topics in differential geometry and analysis
Seminar Homological Algebra
Exchange courses in Sciences
Exchange courses in Sciences open to all study fields.
Academic Literacies for Scientists
Debating Development
History of science and society
Global justice
Exchange courses in Biology
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Exchange courses at master level
Aquatic ecology
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Behavioral ecology
Cell Biology
Coastal and estuarine management
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Conservation and society
- Ruurd van Diggelen
- Ladislav Miko
Conservation biogeography
Conservation genetics
Coping with global change
Developmental Biology
Drivers of global change
Ecological modelling
Ecology of populations and communities
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Ecosystem services
Environmental biophysics
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
Estuarine and Coastal Systems
- Patrick Meire
- Stijn Temmerman
- Tom Ysebaert
Evolutionary responses to global change
Freshwater ecosystem functioning
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Global change physiology
Habitat conservation
Infectious disease ecology
Island biology
Landscape ecology
Marine ecosystem functioning
Methods in environmental biology
Microbial ecology
Omics in a changing environment
Omics techniques
- Gerrit Beemster
- - NNB
Physiology of Aquatic Organisms
Plant and soil ecology
Plant Physiology and Functional Morphology
Plant-microbe interactions
Remote sensing
- Roeland Samson
- Frank Veroustraete
Restoration ecology
Species conservation and management
System ecology
Terrestrial ecosystem functioning
Exchange courses in Chemistry
Exchange courses at bachelor level
- Christian Johannessen
Introduction to mass spectrometry
- - NNB
Introduction to quantum chemistry and symmetry
- Christian Johannessen
Molecular quantum chemistry
- Christian Johannessen
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced analytical techniques
Advanced inorganic materials
Advanced LC-MS
Advanced molecular spectroscopy
- Christian Johannessen
- Wouter Herrebout
Advanced NMR
- José C. Martins
- Davy Sinnaeve
Applied polymer chemistry
- Jan Verschaeren
- Erik Neyts
Capita selecta biochemistry
- Frank Sobott
Capita selecta crystallization in the farmaceutical industry
- Alain Collas
- Roel Hoefnagels
Capita selecta internationalisation: Natural product and tandem chemistry
- Romano Orru
Capita selecta internationalisation: Plasmas for a sustainable society
- Richard van de Sanden
- Annemie Bogaerts
Capita selecta organic chemistry, incl. practical
Capita selecta X-ray analysis and analytical imaging
Chemical reaction engineering
Chemistry of food stuffs
- Liesbet Thijs
Chemometrics, lab accreditation and quality management
Dynamic processes at surfaces
Heterogenous catalysis
- Philip Buskens
- Pegie Cool
- Vera Meynen
Homogenous catalysis
- Shoubhik Das
- Bert Maes
- Michel Guillaume
Ligand field theory
Metallurgy and recycling of metals
Modern electrochemical analysis, incl. sensors
Physical organic chemistry
Process safety
- Vera Meynen
- Wim Dermaut
Safety and transportation
Supramolecular chemistry
- Wim Dehaen
Exchange courses in Computer Science
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Artificial intelligence
Introduction to databases
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced networking lab
Advanced performance modelling
Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
Selected topics in software engineering
Case Studies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Computer and network security
Current Trends in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Data mining
Database systems
Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Information retrieval
Introduction to performance modelling
Mobile and wireless networks
Model driven engineering
Modelling of software-intensive systems
Multilevel and Multigrid methods
- Siegfried Cools
Optimalisation techniques
- - NNB
Programming paradigms
Research Project 1
Research Project 2
Selected topics of computational science
Sensor networks lab
Software reengineering
Software testing
Specification and verification
Topics in networks and distributed systems
Exchange courses in Environmental Sciences
Advanced water treatment technology
Aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring
- Lieven Bervoets
- Adrian Covaci
- Kayawe Valentine Mubiana
- Victor Wepener
Cleantech for food, water and energy
Coping with global change
Drivers of global change
Ecosystem based adaptation to global change
Ecosystem services
Environmental stress and ecotoxicology
- Lieven Bervoets
- Ludo Diels
- Frank Van Assche
European Virtual Seminar
Exchange courses in Physics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Numeric Methods
Exchange courses at master level
Accelerator physics
Advanced electron microscopy
Advanced quantum mechanics
Biomedical imaging techniques
Computational physics
Device physics
Electronic structure calculations
Electroweak interactions
Experimental Lab
Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
- Albert De Roeck
- Steven Lowette
Generic Problem solving
- - NNB
Mathematical methods in theoretical physics
Microscopy and spectroscopy of nanosystems
- Thomas Altantzis
- Sara Bals
- Etienne Goovaerts
- Joke Hadermann
Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics
Physics of low-dimensional systems
Project electronic structure calculations
Project microscopy and spectroscopy
Project physics of low-dimensional systems
Quantum chromodynamics
Quantum Field Theory
Solid state physics
Statistical and mathematical physics
Superconductivity and superfluidity
Surface physics
Symmetry in physics
Theory of Fundamental Interactions
X-ray (micro)tomography
Exchange courses in Mathematics
Exchange courses at bachelor level
Fields and Galois theory
- Boris Shoykhet
Linear Algebra and Geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Exchange courses at master level
Advanced Algebraic Topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebra Seminar
Algebraic function fields
Algebraic topology
- Boris Shoykhet
Algebras with involution
Analysis in Dynamics
- Joseph Palmer
Field Arithmetic
Geometry and Dynamics of Hamiltonian Lie group actions
- Marine Fontaine
Homological methods
Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Monte Carlo Methods and FX Derivatives Markets
Non-commutative geometry
- Boris Shoykhet
Quadratic forms
- Karim Johannes Becher
- Shira Gilat