Bridging programme
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Scientific research skills: choose 18 ECTS from the list below.
Qualitative Research Methods
Quantitative Research Methods
Working students can also choose from the list below.
Introduction to Research Methods and Techniques
Statistics A
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Discipline-specific courses
21 ECTS for students with a background in social sciences.
General Chemistry
Durability, Safety and Environment
Evolution Theory and Biological Classification
Society, Facts and Problems
21 ECTS for students with a background in natural sciences.
General Economics
- - NNB
- Ivan Nijs
- Matteo Campioli
Public Law
Society, Facts and Problems
City and Space
Broadening academic training
Choose 9 ECTS from the list below.
Community Service Learning
Bio-ethics and entrepreneurship
Debating Development
Sustainable Development
Ecological History
Contemporary History
Logic and Science Criticism
You can also choose from the list below (limited to 1 course).
Climate Change
Media and Digital Society
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Global Justice
City and Diversity
Introduction to Scientific Work
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Scientific research skills: choose 18 ECTS from the list below.
Introduction to Research Methods and Techniques
Qualitative Research Methods
Working students can also choose from the list below.
Statistics A
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Discipline-specific courses
21 ECTS for students with a background in social sciences.
General Chemistry
Durability, Safety and Environment
Evolution Theory and Biological Classification
Society, Facts and Problems
21 ECTS for students with a background in natural sciences.
General Economics
- - NNB
- Ivan Nijs
- Matteo Campioli
Public Law
Society, Facts and Problems
City and Space
Broadening academic training
Choose 9 ECTS from the list below.
Community Service Learning
Bio-ethics and entrepreneurship
Debating Development
Sustainable Development
Ecological History
Contemporary History
Logic and Science Criticism
You can also choose from the list below (limited to 1 course).
Climate Change
Media and Digital Society
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Global Justice
City and Diversity
Introduction to Scientific Work
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Academic research skills: 1 to choose
Introduction to research methods and techniques can only be taken by recognized working students.
Introduction to Research Methods and Techniques
Mathematical methods and techniques
Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 2
'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1'
Statistics: 1 to choose
Statistics A can only be taken by recognized working students.
Statistics I
- Inge Pasteels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Statistics A
Qualitative research methods: 1 to choose
Qualitative Data-Analysis can only be taken by recognized working students.
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Scientific reporting: 1 to choose
Communication Management
Scientific reporting
Discipline-specific courses
18 ECTS-credits to choose, at least 9 ECTS-credits in the other field than the one related to your preliminary training
Natural sciences
Choose only one of the courses Ecology
Biodiversity and function
Durability, Safety and Environment
- - NNB
- Ivan Nijs
- Matteo Campioli
Evolution Theory and Biological Classification
Social Sciences
Introduction to Law
Public Law
Society, Facts and Problems
City and Space
World History of Belgium
Broadening academic training
12 ECTS-credits to choose, minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Philosophy and minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Sustainable Development.
Bio-ethics and entrepreneurship
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Logic and Science Criticism
Sustainable Development
Debating Development
Contemporary History
Sustainable Development
Ecological History
University-wide, interdisciplinary courses
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Climate Change
Media and Digital Society
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Global Justice
City and Diversity
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Academic research skills: 1 to choose
Introduction to research methods and techniques can only be taken by recognized working students.
Introduction to Research Methods and Techniques
Mathematical methods and techniques
Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 2
'Mathematics with applications in (business) economics 1'
Statistics: 1 to choose
Statistics A can only be taken by recognized working students.
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Statistics A
Qualitative research methods: 1 to choose
Qualitative Data-Analysis can only be taken by recognized working students.
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Scientific reporting: 1 to choose
Communication Management
Studium Generale
Scientific reporting
Discipline-specific courses
18 ECTS-credits to choose, at least 9 ECTS-credits in the other field than the one related to your preliminary training
Natural sciences
Choose only one of the courses Ecology
Biodiversity and function
Durability, safety and environment
- - NNB
- Ivan Nijs
- Matteo Campioli
Evolution theory and biological classification
- Roeland Samson
- Karen Wuyts
Social Sciences
Ba min 8/20 for all courses Ba1 OR enrolled in Ba Bio-eng. or Prep.progr of Environmental Sciences
Introduction to Law
Public Law
Society, Facts and Problems
City and Space
World History of Belgium
Broadening academic training
12 ECTS-credits to choose, minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Philosophy and minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Sustainable Development.
Philosophy - List 1
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Logic and Science Criticism
Philosophy List 2
* Choose only one of the courses of World View.
* You can only take 1 course per semester from this list
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Sustainable Development List 1
Debating development
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development List 2
* You can only choose 1 course per semester from this list.
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Academic research skills: 1 to choose
Introduction to research methods and techniques can only be taken by recognized working students.
Introduction to research methods and techniques
Mathematical methods and techniques
Mathematical methods in decision making
- 'Mathematics', 'Mathematics 1' or 'Mathematical methods and techniques'
Statistics: 1 to choose
Statistics A can only be taken by recognized working students.
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Statistics A
Qualitative research methods: 1 to choose
Qualitative Data-Analysis can only be taken by recognized working students.
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Scientific reporting: 1 to choose
Communication management
Studium Generale
Scientific reporting
Discipline-specific courses
18 ECTS-credits to choose, at least 9 ECTS-credits in the other field than the one related to your preliminary training
Natural sciences
Choose only one of the courses Ecology
Biodiversity and function
Durability, safety and environment
- - NNB
- Ivan Nijs
- Matteo Campioli
Evolution theory and biological classification
- Roeland Samson
- Karen Wuyts
Social Sciences
Introduction to law
Public Law
Society, facts and problems
City and Space
World History of Belgium
Broadening academic training
12 ECTS-credits to choose, minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Philosophy and minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Sustainable Development.
Choose only one of the courses of Word View.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Logic and Science Criticism
Sustainable Development
Debating development
Climate Change
Poverty and Inequality
Sustainable Development
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Academic research skills: 1 to choose
Mathematical methods in decision making
- 'Wiskunde met (bedrijfs)economische toepassingen' of 'Wiskunde' of 'Wiskundige methoden en technieken'
Mathematical methods and techniques
Introduction to research methods and techniques
Statistics: 1 to choose
Statistics I
- Inge Pasteels
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Statistics A
Qualitative research methods: 1 to choose
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Data-Analysis
Scientific reporting: 1 to choose
Studium Generale
Scientific reporting
Communication management
Discipline-specific courses
18 ECTS-credits to choose, at least 9 ECTS-credits in the other field than the one related to your preliminary training
Natural sciences
Choose only one of the courses Ecology
Biodiversity and function
Durability, safety and environment
- Roeland Samson
- Karen Wuyts
Evolution theory and biological classification
Social Sciences
Introduction to law
Public Law
Society, facts and problems
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
World History of Belgium
Broadening academic training
12 ECTS-credits to choose, minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Philosophy and minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Sustainable Development.
Choose only one of the courses of Word View.
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Logic and Science Criticism
Sustainable Development
Poverty and Inequality
Debating development
Sustainable Development
European Virtual Seminar
Climate Change
Bridging programme Environmental Science
Scientific research skills
Academic research skills: 1 to choose
Mathematical Methods in Decision Making
- 'Wiskunde met (bedrijfs)economische toepassingen' of 'Wiskunde' of 'Wiskundige methoden en technieken'
Mathematical Methods and Techniques
Introduction to research methods and techniques
Statistics: 1 to choose
Statistics I
- Ellen Vandervieren
- Wim Christiaens
- Danny Rouckhout
Statistics A
Qualitative research methods: 1 to choose
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative Data-Analysis
- Vincent Donche
- Katrien Cuyvers
- Anouk De Ridder
- Lieke Lochten
Scientific reporting: 1 to choose
Studium Generale
Scientific reporting
- Alain Labro
- Peter Ponsaerts
Communication management
- Aurélie De Waele
- Karolien Poels
Discipline-specific courses
18 ECTS-credits to choose, at least 9 ECTS-credits in the other field than the one related to your preliminary training
Natural sciences
Biodiversity and function
Durability, safety and environment
- Roeland Samson
- Karen Wuyts
Evolution theory and biological classification
Introduction to Chemistry
Social Sciences
Introduction to law
Public Law
Society, facts and problems
City and Space
- Ilse Loots
- Clemens de Olde
World History of Belgium
Broadening academic training
12 ECTS-credits to choose, minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Philosophy and minimum 3 ECTS-credits in Sustainable Development
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Logic and Science Criticism
- Bert Leuridan
- Thomas Lodewyckx
Sustainable Development
Poverty and Inequality
Debating Development
Sustainable Development
European Virtual Seminar
Climate Change