Preparatory Programme
Dutch-taught Master of History
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
Exercises Paleography
Bachelor's Thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to Historical Exercises
Historical Exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
- - NNB
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Chronological Pillar
3 courses to be selected from the list below
The Culture of Renaissance Humanism (1400-1700)
Culture and Society during the Middle Ages
- - NNB
Economy and Society in the Early Modern Period
Thematic Pillar
1 course to be selected from the list below
Everyday Capitalism: The Financial Behavior of Households in the 19th and 20th Centuries
African Histories of Trade
Between the Global and the Local: Trade, Migration, and Connectivity
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
Exercises Paleography
Bachelor's Thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to Historical Exercises
Historical Exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
4 courses to be selected from the list below, including all courses covering one area or one period
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Introduction to Historiography
Public History
Exercises Paleography
Bachelor's Thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to Historical Exercises
Historical Exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
4 courses to be selected from the list below, including all courses covering one area or one period
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
Heritage and public history
Exercises paleography
Bachelor's thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to historical exercises
Historical exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
4 courses to be selected from the list below, including all courses covering one area or one period
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
- Gowaart Van Den Bossche
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
Heritage and public history
Exercises paleography
Bachelor's thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to historical exercises
Historical exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to be chosen from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
4 courses to be selected from the list below, including all courses covering one area or one period
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
- Tineke Van Gassen
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Bram De Ridder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Andreas Stynen
Heritage and public history
Exercises paleography
Bachelor's thesis
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Introduction to historical exercises
Historical exercises 2
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to choose in relation to the subject of the bachelor's thesis
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
Students select 4 courses, for one period or for one area
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Methodology of History
Compulsory courses
Bachelor's thesis
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
Exercises paleography
Elective methodology
6 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Historical exercise
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Heuristics per historical period
1 course to choose in relation to the subject of the bachelor's thesis
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period or per domain
4 courses to choose from the list below. The student chooses maximum 3 courses from the period courses and maximum 2 courses on the Islam.
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder