Dutch-taught Bachelor of History
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme. Before putting together your programme, it's advisable to make an appointment via our Helpdesk (
More information about the minors can be found below.
Model Path part 1
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical exercises 1
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
- - NNB
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
- - NNB
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list under the heading of 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
History of the Low Countries
- - NNB
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Cities and Citizens in Urban History
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Historical exercises 2
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
Methodology free choice
Select 6 ECTS- credits from the list below
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
- Iason Jongepier
- - NNB
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
History of the Low Countries
- - NNB
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Cities and Citizens in Urban History
Model Path part 3
The student chooses 4 courses in total (24ECTS) from the chronological and thematic pillar. The student chooses 3 courses (18ECTS) from the chronological pillar. The student chooses 1 course from the thematic pillar (6ECTS).
Transitional measures: Students who have not passed a course under the previous form of “history by period and area” :
-may take an examination of a course 'History by period and area' without this course being taught in 2025-2026
-may take new course instead of the course units from the old structure
Chronological pillar
3 courses to be selected from the following list
The Culture of Renaissance Humanism (1400-1700)
Culture and Society during the Middle Ages
- - NNB
Economy and Society in the Early Modern Period
Thematic pillar
1 course to be selected from the following list
Technology and Society: From Railways to Cyborgs
Everyday Capitalism: The Financial Behavior of Households in the 19th and 20th Centuries
African Histories of Trade
Between the Global and the Local: Trade, Migration, and Connectivity
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Bachelor's Thesis
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be selected from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
- - NNB
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Philosophy and Social Sciences
1 course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Science
Philosophical Psychology
Social and Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1: Modern Philosophy and Japanese Environmental Philosophy
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1: Thoreau, Walden
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2: Giambattista Vico
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2: Hannah Arendt
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
Islam and Philosophy
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, all courses listed below have to be followed.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language all students have to follow the 2 general compulsory courses AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses until the obliged total of 60 ECTS- credits is obtained.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
Film History 1: Early cinema
Introduction to Film Studies
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Text and Representation
Theatre Histories
Performance Theory
Film Analysis
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
Performance Analysis
Culture of Modernity
- Kristof Timmerman
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
General linguistic and literary courses
Compulsory courses
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: Basic Skills in Speaking and Writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: Academic Writing and Presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch Linguistics 1: Phonetics, Phonology and Syntax
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
The Dutch-language literature from the beginning until 1789
The Dutch-language literature from 1789 until 1914
The Dutch-language literature from 1914 until today
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5: Understanding L2 English proficiency through Learner Corpus Research
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
Twentyfirst-century Literature in English
- - NNB
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- - NNB
Nineteenth-century Literature in English
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German-Language Literature: Fundamentals, Terms, Analyses
Literary Analysis as Cultural Analysis: Theories, Methods, Practices
Literary Studies in the Digital Society: Current Research Questions in German Studies
German-Language Literary Histories: Eras, Authors, Works
Literature analysis: German prose, poetry, theater, films, and #netliterature
German Cultural History from the Enlightenment to the Present
Learning to Read German: Language, Literature and History
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
Grammaire française
French Proficiency and Culture 1: Oral and Writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Introduction to French Linguistics
Introduction to the History of French
Language and Society
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Syntax and Information Structure
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish Proficiency 5
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the Study of Literature in Spanish
Literature in Spanish I
Literature in Spanish II
Literature in Spanish III
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Legal Methodology
Sources and Foundations of Law
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme. Before putting together your programme, it's advisable to make an appointment via our Helpdesk (
More information about the minors can be found below.
Model Path part 1
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical exercises 1
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list under the heading of 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
History of the Low Countries
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Historical exercises 2
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
Methodology free choice
Select 6 ECTS- credits from the list below
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
History of the Low Countries
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Jewish Culture in Various Contexts
Model Path part 3
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Bachelor's Thesis
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be selected from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
4 courses to be selected from the following list
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Philosophy and Social Sciences
1 course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
Artificial intelligence: societal challenges
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
Philosophy of Science
Philosophical Psychology
Social and Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1: Modern Philosophy and Japanese Environmental Philosophy
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1: Thoreau, Walden
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2: Hannah Arendt
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
Islam and Philosophy
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, all courses listed below have to be followed.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language all students have to follow the 2 general compulsory courses AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses until the obliged total of 60 ECTS- credits is obtained.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
Film History 1: Early cinema
Introduction to Film Studies
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Text and Representation
Theatre Histories
Performance Theory
Film Analysis
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
Performance Analysis
Culture of Modernity
- Kristof Timmerman
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
General linguistic and literary courses
Compulsory courses
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: Basic Skills in Speaking and Writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: Academic Writing and Presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch Linguistics 1: Phonetics, Phonology and Syntax
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Dutch Studies in Practice
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
German: Cultural History
Learning to Read German: Language, Literature and History
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
Grammaire française
French Proficiency and Culture 1: Oral and Writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French Linguistics 1: Linguistics of Contemporary French
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
French Linguistics 3
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish Proficiency 5
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the Study of Literature in Spanish
Literature in Spanish I
Literature in Spanish II
Literature in Spanish III
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal Methodology
Labour Law
Sources and Foundations of Law
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme. Before putting together your programme, it's advisable to make an appointment via our Helpdesk (
More information about the minors can be found below.
Model Path part 1
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Historical Method
Exercises Paleography
Historical exercises 1
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
Introduction to World History
History of the Islamic World
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list under the heading of 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Printed Book
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Historical exercises 2
Compulsory course
Historical Exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary History
Methodology free choice
Select 6 ECTS- credits from the list below
History and Image
History and Language
History and Number
Digital History
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
Introduction to Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish Culture
History of the Printed Book
Ecological History
History of Colonization and Decolonization: Central Africa and Belgium
Model Path part 3
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to Historiography
Bachelor's Thesis
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be selected from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
4 courses to be selected from the following list
Middle Ages: Politics and Institutions
Middle Ages: Cultural History
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: Politics and Institutions
Early Modern Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Politics and Institutions
Contemporary Era: Cultural History
Contemporary Era: Social and Economic History
The Modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The Premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Philosophy and Social Sciences
1 course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Global Justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating Development
Community Service Learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Benjamin De Vos
History of Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
- Simon Truwant
Gnoseology and Epistemology
Philosophical Psychology
Social and Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
Applied Ethics
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
Islam and Philosophy
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
- Herbert De Vriese
- Sebastian Müngersdorff
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, all courses listed below have to be followed.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language all students have to follow the 2 general compulsory courses AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses until the obliged total of 60 ECTS- credits is obtained.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
Film History 1: Early cinema
Introduction to Film Studies
Film History 2: Classical and Modern Period
Text and Representation
Theatre Histories
Performance Theory
Film Analysis
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
- Eduard Cuelenaere
- Gertjan Willems
- Ruben Demasure
Performance Analysis
Culture of Modernity
- Kristof Timmerman
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
General linguistic and literary courses
Compulsory courses
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: Basic Skills in Speaking and Writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: Academic Writing and Presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: Journalistic Writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch Linguistics 1: Phonetics, Phonology and Syntax
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic Perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: Diachronic Perspectives
History of Dutch Literature 1: from the Start until the French Revolution
History of Dutch-language Literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language Literature 3: from the Great War until the Present Day
Dutch Studies in Practice
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kevin Absillis
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3: the Complex Sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics: Englishes Old and New
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- - NNB
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
English: Culture and History
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German: Language Proficiency 1
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: Prose, Poetry, Theatre, Film
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
German Literature 3: Current Issues
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German Literary History 2: from WWI to the Present
German: Cultural History
Learning to Read German: Language, Literature and History
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency and Culture 1: Oral and Writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: Grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and Written Proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French Linguistics 1: Linguistics of Contemporary French
French Linguistics 1: History of French
French Linguistics 2: Seman. & Pragm. Analysis of Lexical Items, Synchronic & Diachronic Approaches
French Linguistics 3
French Literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French Literature 2: French and French-language Literature from the 19th Century until Today
French Literature 3: Genres and Texts
French: Culture and Globalisation
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
Spanish Proficiency 4
Spanish Proficiency 5
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish Linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Hispanic Literature I
Hispanic Literature II
Hispanic Literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Sources and Foundations of Law
Introduction to Private Law
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal Methodology
Labour Law
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme. Before putting together your programme, it's advisable to make an appointment via our Helpdesk (
More information about the minors can be found below.
Model Path part 1
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Historical method
Exercises paleography
Historical exercises 1
Compulsory course
Exercises 1
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list under the heading of 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the printed book
Ecological history
History of Central Europe
Model Path part 2
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to historiography
Historical exercises 2
Compulsory course
Historical exercises 2
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
Methodology free choice
Select 6 ECTS- credits from the list below
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Digital History
Free choice electives
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below (or a 5th course from the list 'History per period and per area')
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the printed book
Ecological history
History of Central Europe
Model Path part 3
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Introduction to historiography
Bachelor's thesis
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be selected from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
History per period and per area
4 courses to be selected from the following list
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
- Gowaart Van Den Bossche
Philosophy and Social Sciences
1 course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
Gnoseology and Epistemology
Philosophical Psychology
Social & Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
- Jo Badisco
Seminar on Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
Applied Ethics
- Hugh Desmond
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
- Katrien Schaubroeck
- Katelijne Malomgré
Islam and Philosophy
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
- Sebastian Müngersdorff
- Herbert De Vriese
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, you have to follow 60 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor programme of Theatre, Film and Literature.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language you have to follow 12 ECTS-credits of courses in general linguistic and in general literature, AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses, The student should follow 60 ECTS-credits in total.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
History of the film 1: early cinema
Film and genre
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Text and representation
Theater History
Dramaturgy: foundations
Film analyses
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
- Eduard Cuelenaere
- Gertjan Willems
- Ruben Demasure
Performance analysis
- Kristof van Baarle
- Benjamin Verhoeven
Culture of Modernity
2a. General linguistic courses
Compulsory course
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
2b. General literary courses
Compulsory course
General Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
- Astrid De Wit
- Alena Anishchanka
- Eleanor Smith
- Margot Vancauwenbergh
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
English: Culture and History
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
German: Grammar 1
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German Literature 1: prose, poetry, theatre, film
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German Literary History 1: from the Enlightenment to Modernity
German Literature 2: German-speaking Cultures in Literature
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
History of German literature 2: from WW1 to the present
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
German Literature 3: Current Issues
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
French linguistics 1: history of French
French linguistics 2: seman. & pragm. analysis of lexical items, synchronic & diachronic approaches
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French: Culture and Globalisation
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French Linguistics 3
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- Pedro Gras
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish linguistics: Language as an Instrument
Spanish Linguistics: Language as a System
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Sources and Foundations of Law
Introduction to Private Law
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal methodology
Labour Law
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme.
More information about these minors can be found below.
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Bachelor's thesis
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
Exercises paleography
Historical exercise 1
Compulsory Course
Exercises 1
Historical exercise 2
Compulsory Course
Historical exercises 2
Methodology of History
6 ECTS credits to be selected from the list below
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Heuristics per historical period
One course to be selected from the list below
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- - NNB
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History per period and per area
Students select 4 courses from the following list
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
- Tineke Van Gassen
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: social and economic history
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Bram De Ridder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Philosophy and Social Sciences
1 course to be chosen from the list below
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
City and Diversity
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Media and Digital Society
Global justice
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Poverty and Inequality
Climate Change
Debating development
Community service learning
- Gerlinde Verbist
- Eva Van Moer
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Free-choice elective
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below or a 5th course from the list under the heading of 'History per period and per area'
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
Ecological history
History of Central Europe
Digital History
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Sources and Foundations of Law
Introduction to Private Law
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal methodology
- Dirk Vanheule
- Christophe De Ridder
- Karim Fawzi
- Kim Swerts
- Jan Van Rompuy
Labour Law
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
- Willem Lemmens
- Hannah Lingier
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
Gnoseology and Epistemology
Philosophical Psychology
Social & Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1
- Willem Lemmens
- Catherine Dromelet
- Hannah Lingier
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
- Willem Lemmens
- Hannah Lingier
Seminar on Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
- Arthur Cools
- Nele Van de Mosselaer
Applied Ethics
- Hugh Desmond
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
- Petra Van Brabandt
- Katelijne Malomgré
- Lotte Spreeuwenberg
Islam in Europe
- Hugh Desmond
Philosophical Sources of European Identity
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, you have to follow 60 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor programme of Theatre, Film and Literature.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language you have to follow 12 ECTS-credits of courses in general linguistic and in general literature, AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses, The student should follow 60 ECTS-credits in total.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
History of the film 1: early cinema
Film and genre
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Text and representation
Theater History
Dramaturgy: foundations
Film analyses
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
Performance analysis
- Kristof van Baarle
- Kyoko Iwaki
- Benjamin Verhoeven
Culture of Modernity
One compulsory courses to choose from:
2a. General linguistic courses
Compulsory course
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication
2b. General literary courses
Compulsory course
General Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
History of Dutch literature 1: from start till French Revolution
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
English: Culture and History
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
German: Grammar 1
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German texts 1
- Jana Vijayakumaran
History of German literature 1
German texts 2
- Thomas Ernst
- Elisabeth Meyer
History of German literature 2
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German texts 3
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
French: Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French: Culture and Globalisation
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French Linguistics 3
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- - NNB
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Emilio Vivó Capdevila
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme.
More information about these minors can be found below.
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Bachelor's thesis
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
- Jeroen Puttevils
- Andreas Stynen
Exercises paleography
Historical exercise 1
Exercises 1
Historical exercise 2
Historical exercises 2
Methodology of History
Select 6 ECTS credits from the list below:
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Heuristics per historical period
Select one course from the list below:
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History per period and per area
Students select four courses from the following list:
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Philosophy and Social Sciences
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Free-choice elective
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below or a fifth course from the list under the header 'History per period per area'.
History of Belgium
- Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the printed book
Ecological history
History of Central Europe
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Sources and Foundations of Law
Introduction to Private Law
Law of Persons and Family Law
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
- Jan Velaers
- Vincent Verbelen
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal methodology
- Dirk Vanheule
- Christophe De Ridder
- Karim Fawzi
- Glenn Smet
- Kim Swerts
- Jan Van Rompuy
- Mik Verlinden
Labour Law
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
- Willem Lemmens
- Hannah Lingier
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
- Stefaan Cuypers
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
- Hugh Desmond
Philosophy of Culture
Gnoseology and Epistemology
- Bert Leuridan
- Raoul Gervais
- Jan Potters
Philosophical Psychology
Social & Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
- Willem Lemmens
- Hannah Lingier
Seminar on Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
- Arthur Cools
- Nele Van de Mosselaer
Applied Ethics
- Hugh Desmond
Philosophy of Religion
Feminist Philosophy
- Petra Van Brabandt
- Katelijne Malomgré
- Lotte Spreeuwenberg
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, you have to follow 60 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor programme of Theatre, Film and Literature.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language you have to follow 12 ECTS-credits of courses in general linguistic and in general literature, AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses, The student should follow 60 ECTS-credits in total.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
History of the film 1: early cinema
Film and genre
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Text and representation
Theater History: from Antiquity to the 18th century
Theater History: from the 18th to the 20th century
- Edith Cassiers
- Kyoko Iwaki
Dramaturgy: foundations
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Edith Cassiers
- Benjamin Verhoeven
Film analyses
Adaptation in Theatre, Film and Literature
Performance analysis
- Edith Cassiers
- Kristof van Baarle
- Kyoko Iwaki
- Benjamin Verhoeven
Culture of Modernity
One compulsory courses to choose from:
- Edith Cassiers
- Benjamin Verhoeven
2a. General linguistic courses
Compulsory course
General Linguistics 1
2b. General literary courses
Compulsory course
General Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch literature: Middle Ages
History of Dutch literature: Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
Dutch studies in practice
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
- Vanessa Joosen
- Pim Verhulst
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 1
- Bart Eeckhout
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Nineteenth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Toon Staes
- Lauren Ottaviani
Twentieth-century Literature in English 1
- Dirk Van Hulle
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
Twentieth-century Literature in English 2
- Luc Herman
- Olga Beloborodova
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
- Pim Verhulst
English Culture and History
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
German Grammar 1
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Grammar 2
German grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Proficiency 3
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Alex Haider
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German texts 1
History of German literature 1
German texts 2
History of German literature 2
History of German Culture
German texts 3
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
French Grammar 1
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Proficiency 3
French linguistics and literature
Select 30 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Marie Steffens
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Culture 1
French Literature 3: genres and texts
French linguistics 3
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
- Pedro Gras
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish Proficiency 2
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish linguistics: structure of contemporary Spanish
Spanish Linguistics: language in use
Introduction to the study of Spanish-language texts literature
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
Spanish-language texts Literature I
Latin America: Society and Culture
Spain: Society and Culture
Spanish-language texts Literature II
Spanish literature III
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Maria Teresa Navarrete Navarrete
- a minor in Laws OR
- a minor in Linguistics and Literature OR
- a minor in Philosophy.
Each year/part students follow 40 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor in History and at least 15 ECTS-credits of courses from their chosen minor programme.
More information about these minors can be found below.
Methodology of History and Historical Criticism
Compulsory courses
Bachelor's thesis
Historical method
Introduction to historiography
Exercises paleography
Historical exercise 1
Exercises 1
Historical exercise 2
Historical exercises 2
Methodology of History
Select 6 ECTS credits from the list below:
History and image
History and Language
History and number
Heuristics per historical period
Select one course from the list below:
Heuristics per Historical Period: Middle Ages
Heuristics per Historical Period: Early Modern Period
Heuristics per Historical Period: Contemporary Period
Introduction to History
Compulsory courses
History of Antiquity
History of the Middle Ages
History of the Early Modern Period
- Bert De Munck
- Klaas Van Gelder
History of the Contemporary Period
Contemporary history
Introduction to world history
History of the Islamic World
History per period and per area
Students select four courses from the following list:
Middle Ages: politics and institutions
Middle Ages: cultural history
Middle Ages and Early Modern Era: Social and Economic History
Early Modern Era: politics and institutions
- Klaas Van Gelder
Early Modern Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: politics and institutions
Contemporary Era: cultural history
Contemporary Era: social and economic history
The modern Islamic World: 1600-Today
The premodern Islamic World: 600-1600
Philosophy and Social Sciences
World View: Religion, Atheism and Science
World View: Religion, Atheism and Meaning
World View: Religion, Atheism and Culture
World View: Religion, Atheism and Society
City and Diversity
Media and Digital Society
Migration, Integration and Diversity
- Kevin Absillis
- Koen De Feyter
- Lore Van Praag
- Leni Franken
- François Levrau
Freedom, Citizenship and Democracy
Global justice
Free-choice elective
Select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below or a fifth course from the list under the header 'History per period per area'.
History of Belgium
- Frederik Dhondt
- Herman Van Goethem
History of the Low Countries
History of Russia and the Sovjet-Union
Introduction in Christian Culture
Introduction to Jewish culture
History of the printed book
Ecological history
History of Central Europe
Minor Law
Legal courses with exercises and legal skills
Compulsory courses: 60 ECTS-credits
Sources and Foundations of Law
Introduction to Private Law
Law of Persons and Family Law
- Frederik Swennen
- Aïda Verstappen
Civil Procedure Law and Evidence
General Contract Law
Constitutional Law
Law of the European Union
Liability and Insurance Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Legal methodology
- Dirk Vanheule
- Ans Bluekens
- Dominique Freriks
- Kim Swerts
- Jan Van Rompuy
- Mik Verlinden
Labour Law
Minor Philosophy
60 ECTS - credits
Choice 54 ECTS - credits
Students select 54 ECTS-credits from the list below.
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
History of Modern Philosophy
- Willem Lemmens
- Jo Badisco
- Hannah Lingier
Contemporary Analytical Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Logic and Excercises
Philosophy of Culture
Gnoseology and Epistemology
- Bert Leuridan
- Raoul Gervais
- Thomas Lodewyckx
Philosophical Psychology
Social & Political Philosophy
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 1
Seminar Contemporary Philosophical Authors 1
- Katrien Schaubroeck
- Martha Claeys
- Lotte Spreeuwenberg
Seminar Modern Philosophical Authors 2
- Willem Lemmens
- Hannah Lingier
Seminar on Contemporary Philosophical Authors 2
Choice 6 sp
Students select 6 ECTS-credits from the list below.
- Kristien Hens
- Patrick Rüdelsheim
- Leni Van Goidsenhoven
Judaism and Philosophy
Philosophy of Economics
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy of Technology
- Hendrik Opdebeeck
Applied Ethics
Philosophy of Religion
Minor Linguistics and Literature
For a minor in Theatre, Film and Literature, you have to follow 60 ECTS-credits of courses from the Bachelor programme of Theatre, Film and Literature.
For a minor in Linguistics and Literature in one language you have to follow 12 ECTS-credits of courses in general linguistic and in general literature, AND all proficiency courses of the chosen language AND several language-specific linguistic or literary courses, The student should follow 60 ECTS-credits in total.
1. Theatre, film and literature
Compulsory courses
History of the theatre
- Hubert Meeus
- Edith Cassiers
History of the film 1: early cinema
Film and genre
History of the film 2: classic and modern period
Text and representation
Dramaturgy: foundations
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Charlotte De Somviele
Adaptation in theatre, film and literature 1
- - NNB
- Gertjan Willems
Adaptation in theatre, film and literature 2
- - NNB
- Gertjan Willems
Film analyses
Performance analysis
- Edith Cassiers
- Elvira Crois
- Charlotte De Somviele
Culture of Modernity
One compulsory courses to choose from:
- - NNB
- Charlotte De Somviele
2a. General linguistic courses
Compulsory course
General Linguistics 1
2b. General literary courses
Compulsory course
General Literary Theory 1
Dutch proficiency
Compulsory courses
Dutch Proficiency 1: basic skills in speaking and writing
Dutch Proficiency 2: academic writing and presenting
Dutch Proficiency 3: journalistic writing
Dutch linguistics, literature and culture
Select 36 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Dutch linguistics 1: basic concepts in syntax and morphology
Dutch Linguistics 2: Synchronic perspectives
Dutch Linguistics 3: diachronic perspectives
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 1
Cultural Studies of the Low Countries 2
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
History of the Dutch-language literature 1: Middle Ages and Early-Modern Times
History of the Dutch-language literature 2: from the French Revolution until the Great War
- Kris Humbeeck
- Gwennie Debergh
- Valerie Rousseau
History of Dutch-language literature 3: from the Great War until the present day
English proficiency
Compulsory courses
English Proficiency 1
- Kris Van De Poel
- Marilize Pretorius
- Sophie Demesmaeker
English Proficiency 2
English Proficiency 3: Academic Literacy Skills
- Kris Van De Poel
- Sophie Demesmaeker
- Marilize Pretorius
English Proficiency 4
English Proficiency 5
English: grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English grammar 3. The complex sentence
English linguistics, literature and culture
Select 18 ECTS-credits from the following list:
English Linguistics. Englishes old and new
Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
Nineteenth-century Literature in English
- Bart Eeckhout
- Luc Herman
- Laura Michiels
- Lauren Ottaviani
- Emma-Louise Silva
Twentieth-century Literature in English
English Culture and History
German proficiency
Compulsory courses
German Grammar 1
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Grammar 2
German grammar 3
German Proficiency 2
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Proficiency 3
German linguistics, literature and culture
Select 21 ECTS-credits from the following list:
German Linguistics 1
German Linguistics 2
German texts 1
- Geert Crauwels
History of German literature 1
German texts 2
- Thorsten Ries
History of German literature 2
- - NNB
- Geert Crauwels
History of German Culture
German texts 3
- Geert Crauwels
French proficiency
Compulsory courses
French Proficiency 1: oral and writing Proficiency
French Proficiency 2: grammar
French Proficieny 2: Oral and written proficiency
French Linguistics and Proficiency 3
French Grammar 1
French linguistics and literature
Select 27 ECTS-credits from the following list:
French linguistics 1: phonetics, morphology and syntax of modern French
- Walter De Mulder
- Saskia Kindt
French linguistics 1: history of French
French Linguistics 2: grammatical and lexical semantics, synchronic and diachronic approaches
French literature 1: from the Middle Ages until 1800
French literary history 2: French and French-language literature from the 19th century until today
French Culture 1
French Literature 3: genres and texts
Spanish proficiency
Compulsory courses
Spanish Grammar 1
Spanish Grammar 2
Spanish Proficiency 1
- Pedro Gras
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
- Patricia Galiana
- Sofia Pérez Fernández
Spanish Proficiency 2
- Diana Arbaiza
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spanish Proficiency 3
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spanisch Proficiency 4: oral proficiency
- María del Rocío Ortuño Casanova
- Lucia Calvo Salazar
Spanish linguistics, literature and culture
Select 24 ECTS-credits from the following list:
Spanish linguistics 1
Spanish linguistics 2
Spanish Linguistics 3
Introduction to the Spanish and Spanish-American Culture and Literature
Spanish and Spanish American literature 1
Latin America: Society and Culture
- Christiane Stallaert
- Carmen Alicia Nunez-Borja Luna
Spain: Society and Culture
Spanish American literature 2
Spanish literature 2
- Diana Arbaiza
- Lucia Calvo Salazar